2013.09.10 The Confrontation a Rejected Person Experiences when they DIE Created by James on 10/12/2013 8:57:09 AM There are serious misconceptions relating to the fate of people who die without knowing Yah or who have been rejected by Yah
This article summarizes what happens and how these people become demons
The Confrontation a Rejected Person Experiences when they DIE
James Robertson
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Over the years I have vaguely wondered about the statement made by Yahooshua that “today you will be with me in Paradise” contrasted with the reality of demons and the manifestation of demon worship in ancestor worship
I have also read of and heard of people who have been taken into heaven on death and returned. I have even spoken to one of those people
I have also read of people who have experienced a rush to hell on leaving their bodies
For some years now I have understood that when primitive people engage in ancestor worship they REALLY are communing with their ancestors in the form of the spirits of people who have died which have become demons because they did NOT have a relationship with Yah
I have also vaguely wondered about the reality that all demons, that is all ancestor spirits, seem to operate in concert to bring about deception, death and destruction
I few days ago it came to me that when a person dies who has no knowledge of Yah or who has been rejected by Yah (Hebrews 10) they have an experience in which they are informed that the book of their life is closed, that they have NO hope of spending eternity with Yah and that their ONLY hope of avoiding destruction is to turn the entire population of earth against Yah such that there is no one in right standing with Yah when Yahooshua is due to return and therefore there is NO human being in a position to call on Yahooshua to return
Their reward IF the forces of darkness succeed will depend on how zealously and how effectively they have pursued this objective
Should this happen Yahooshua will NOT return, Satan, having been released from the Pit will then face Yah and declare that he has won the battle to control mankind and therefore will claim earth for him and his followers (messengers and demons – i.e. rejected human beings) for eternity
Since this first came to me I have given it quite a bit of thought and, before writing this, turned to Yah for confirmation to be told that this is “approximately right”
Demons therefore bring all their knowledge, experience and intellect to bear to turn living humans to sin and deception in the hope that before Yahooshua is scheduled to return they will turn ALL humans to a point that there is no man or woman free of sin that can call Yahooshua down to bring judgment on the earth
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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